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Discovering Your Interior Design Style: A Guide to Creating Your Ideal Home

Your Miami home is more than just a place where you reside; it's a reflection of your personality, tastes, and style. It should be a haven where you feel happy, comfortable, and truly at home. But let's face it, even for the most fervent design enthusiasts, articulating your personal design style can be surprisingly difficult.

When faced with endless design choices, we often fall into the trap of "the paradox of choice" – so many options that we can't make any decisions! As a Miami interior designer, the most crucial part of my process is getting to know my clients intimately. I delve into their stories, their lifestyles, and their values – all the elements that contribute to their unique style. My goal isn't to impose my aesthetic, but to help clients articulate their own, then elevate and execute it. Your home is your sanctuary, and your spaces must reflect your authentic self for long-lasting enjoyment.

To help my clients define their interior design style, my aesthetic questionnaire currently includes over 50 questions, and it's constantly evolving as I learn from each project. While I won't list all of them here, I'll share some key prompts to get you thinking about your own interior design preferences.

Ready to dive deeper? Schedule a free interior design consultation today! Schedule An Appointment

1. Find Inspiration in the Spaces You Love

Think about the places you've traveled to more than once. What draws you back? Is it a favorite hotel, a cozy cafe, or a vibrant city street? While amenities and service play a role, the interior design of the space itself significantly impacts your experience. I once worked with a client who found inspiration in a modern chair they spotted in a traditional Venetian hotel lobby. That single chair sparked ideas for an entire room's design!

Pay attention to the details that capture your eye when you're out in the world. These elements can be incorporated into your own spaces.

2. Explore Arts and Media

Inspiration is everywhere! Browse design magazines, explore websites like Pinterest and Instagram, and visit open houses and home decor stores. Immerse yourself in art museums and analyze what resonates with you. Even while watching TV, take note of spaces that catch your eye. Observe the colors, patterns, textures, and furniture styles that you find appealing.

3. Look to Your Wardrobe

Believe it or not, your fashion sense often reflects your interior design taste. If you gravitate towards classic pieces and timeless styles in clothing, you might prefer a traditional or transitional interior. If you love bold colors and patterns in your attire, a contemporary or eclectic style could be a better fit.

4. Identify Common Threads

As you gather inspiration, start noticing recurring themes. Are you drawn to minimalist spaces with clean lines and neutral colors? Or do you prefer cozy, rustic environments with natural textures and earthy tones? Identifying these preferences will help you pinpoint your design style.

5. Consider Your Lifestyle

Interior design should be both beautiful and functional. Think about how you use each space in your home. Do you entertain frequently? Prioritize comfortable seating and a spacious layout. Work from home? Create a dedicated workspace that boosts productivity. Addressing your lifestyle needs is crucial for a successful design.

6. Define the Feeling

How do you want each space to make you feel? Calm and relaxed? Happy and energized? Sophisticated and dramatic? Each room serves a different purpose and should evoke a specific feeling. Make sure you start there. 

Yes, it is a lot of work. But we’ve got your back.

Interior design may sound like fun, but if you’ve ever made a decision that didn’t go quite right, you know how frustrating and expensive that decision can be.  Even if you have amazing taste, an innate sense of scale, and a great eye for detail, you also need the time to focus on the hundreds of decisions that create a fully conceived space. 


Tying it all together to make it feel like your ideal space takes years of experience.   It’s that intangible “thing that makes one space a place you never want to leave, while others are forgettable, or even uncomfortable. 


But don’t worry, we’ve got this.  Together we can get your interior design project done.  I will guide you and work with you to analyze your preferences, define your unique aesthetic, and create a home that is comfortable and authentic to you.

To schedule a free 30-minute interior design consultation, click here



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Brickell Interiors Design Studio

1627 Brickell Ave, Miami, Florida 33129

Miami-based luxury interior design services throughout Dade County and Southern Florida, in addition to e-design services in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. 

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